Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Day Sixteen: 5 April 2008

Woke up and went straight to the woman's meeting to help with the kids with Oliver.  It was pretty horrible!  There were two boys and they ran riot.  One of them bit me... nice. They kept pinching and punching the girls.  I guess we weren't prepared, but it is difficult when we're told that they understand English, but they clearly know how to play foreigners and ignore every word.  At one point I was semi wrestling, semi stopping this boy from hitting the girls, and I dropped him on his head - onto a concrete floor.  He ran off crying to his mother.  Big problem in England... no problem in India.  I think we were too soft on the kids because we discipline children differently in England.  In India it is all rough and tough discipline, something we don't have the luxury of in England.  So that wasn't a very nice experience!

After the meeting and lunch we cleaned the church.  Got home at half four.  The youth meeting was cancelled, a nice relief.  And I've declined to go to a wedding reception that Sam asked me to go to.  Quite glad about that because I ended up chatting to Margaret and Bahadur for the evening, which was really nice.  Margaret cooked pasta and broccoli - it was so good to eat pasta again, I forget how much of it we eat in England.

Saurebh came round too.  It was really cold, that is, 15 degrees!  But the drop of about 10 degrees overnight made it feel freezing.  So I'm sleeping under the huge duvet tonight, not just a sheet.  And this is an incredible duvet!

Tomorrow I do Sunday School again.  And monday we shop.  Tuesday I spend in Nijaat (possibly), Wednesday in Haryana, Thursday in Punjab, Friday back to DehraDun.  It should be a quick, interesting and probably very good week.

In other news, I just sneezed ten times in a row.

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