Thursday, 4 September 2008

Day Nineteen: 8 April 2008

Today has been kind of odd.  Didn't do much until about 11.30am, when Vicki (male) picked me up and I went to Nijaat, saying goodbye to the Australians first. 

At Nijaat I spoke to a few of the guys - some were very open about their problems, some just wanted to shake your hand.  Vicki was very open about his problems.  He now works for Nijaat, but was previously on Heroin, cocaine, morphine, opium, alcohol.  And God saved him, quite an incredible testimony.

Came home and read a lot - part way through 1 Kings.  I've read a lot of Bible.  I need to stay humble.

In the evening I went for a Lassey with Madhu.  It's a milky/yoghurty sweet drink.  I quite like it, but only one glass at a time.  Had a good chat with Margaret.

Tomorrow I'm off to Haryanan at about 10/11am.  Not too worried about it, though I have been.  It's all bout trusting God, which is easier said than done - but God is faithful and true.  So it will be okay.

And my bowels moved properly for the first time in India tonight!

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