Sunday, 29 June 2008

Day Six: 26 March 2008

Do I really love England - or do other countries just make me uncomfortable?

I guess if anything I have realised just how big an influence culture has on a persons life. I'm struggling with being here - I think I'm viewing it as something I have to do, not want to do.  But at the same time I know I wanted to come, to put myself through something like this so that I would appreciate more of how much God has blessed me in England.  And so it is serving a good purpose, and I know God will bring it all together. 

Three weeks ago the results of the elections were announced.  In three weeks time our first term as committee will begin - I don't think I've really got my head around that yet.

It has been a day of two days.  Until 3pm I was pretty bored, read a lot and did some preaching prep.  After that (the bell has just tolled telling me it is midnight - every hour the bell tolls...) Jane, Travis, Saurebh came round to eat lunch.   Nice guy, Travis, hope to get to know him. Ravi came round to stay (Australian/Indian woman), she talked a lot.  We all went for coffee at Cafe Coffee Day (CCD), again very nice.  I embarrassed myself by offering to pay for mine; it is always the person who invites you who pays...!  Sam laughed heartily.  

The we went to a Bible study - Sam is a very good Bible teacher.

Keren had her last exam today - but wasn't too happy about it.  Will be praying.  Tomorrow will be a day of preparing various talks.

Father, thank you for my day.

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