Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Day Fourteen: 3 April 2008

Heard the loudest clap of thunder I have ever heard last night - it was quite magnificent!  Thankfully God has stopped the rain this morning, but it is cooler.  I may put a jumper on for the first time since I arrived.  Slept amazingly - Praise God!

I have no idea what today will hold...

(The below was written at the end of the day, the above at the beginning)

Today it has been murky, cold, rainy - very untypical of my time here so far.  Ashok did turn up in the end this morning, 45 minutes after he said he would.  He had to go to hospital to see someone, so gave me to another guy who took me to a village and I saw a medical worker.  He didn't really know what to do with me though, we rode on his motorbike for ages.  Then he just took me home.  Ashok said he'd take me to a village then rejoin me after he'd visited the hospital.  Obviously there was some kind of communication breakdown - somewhere, either between Indians or between languages - I've learned that both are equally likely.

Came home - had my sandwiches that Reena made for me, they were very nice.  Then I was told it was time for lunch!  Argh!  All the Indians seem to do is eat!  I can't deal with it!  I am always full and never hungry - so don't enjoy the food!  The nicest thing I've had was the Butter Naan at a restaurant, the rest has sent my digestive system crazy.  Oh! to eat college food again!

I can't tell you how much I look forward to walking out at Heathrow to cool, crisp British air.  I could go on and on....and on and on...

Next we went to a little girls party, turning 3 years old.  Very surreal, 20 people in a small room.  Sam told a story.  We had food.  That was it.  Felt a little like a lemon!

The Bible study was good, Oliver is getting closer to Christ, I must pray for him, always.  It rained heavily this evening.  

I am now not speaking at Nijaat tomorrow, a nice relief.  Ever changing India cotinues to be ever changing.

Day Thirteen: 2 April 2008

Had a mentally crazy nights sleep - the worst since I got here.  I just kept waking up!

Digestive system has gone haywire!  I have not got a clue what is happening inside my belly.

Indians can be the most frustrating people, they expect without explanation, without fully telling you what's going on or what you will be doing or how you should do it.  But I imagine that I am just a frustrating, and that it has nothing to do with the fact that they are all Indians - in fact, I'm pretty sure of it.  I just need to trust more.

Today was interesting.  Helped Sam clean the church.  I don't think I'll ever know whether I've been a help or a burden to him these three weeks.  Then went to Mussoorie with Titu and Travis, it was nice.  Foothills of the Himalayas and all - but not as exciting as everyone seems to suggest.

Came back and read and slept a little.  Oliver's stuff is now in my room - his house was broken into unfortunately.  Had a bible study, went well.  Got back and was told I had to do the registration again (hence my rant about explanations!)

Now I'm very tired, and have to be ready at 9am tomorrow.  Also I have been told that I'll speak at Nijaat again on Friday evening, which I was half assuming but more notice would have been nice.  I will probably speak on Galatians 6.  And I will do a quiz for Sunday School.

Oh, I am very, very tired.